Thursday, June 4, 2009

The hunt begins...

To start off on a sad note, my dearest Daniel has left :'( He has gone back home to Switzerland after spending three-and-a-half weeks here in Vancouver with me. I am sad that he's gone, but it's part of life, and it's part of how we chose to do things, and part of being together yet apart. Well, that just means that next time, I'll be heading over to Switzerland :)! The past few weeks involved a lot of walking and a lot of Vancouver. I have now fallen in love with the Drive, and have renewed my love for old films, antique stores, Wonderbucks, and painting. I hope to learn oil painting this summer with a family friend of Daniel's, and I want to get back into dance and ballet.

Just living the Vancity life while getting back that summer skin.

Anyway, now it's hot as heck, and I'm on the hunt for a job! Summer school starts in a couple of weeks, I'll be continuing German, and I already have e-mails from my instructor. I'm hoping to just work work work and earn some money while improving my German this summer. No big plans - it'll be low-key for the next three months, but it'll be nice.
Hope you guys are staying cool, wherever you may be and whatever you may be doing :)

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