Thursday, March 29, 2012

Abdomen tattoo!

More tattoo ideas!

Ok, so I have a rose tattoo on my right pelvis. I've been thinking of balancing it out and having it on my left side as well, but then also joining both together across my abdomen somehow. But with what?
So far I've been thinking more floral imagery, and perhaps a vintage/antique beauty feel, with filigree and that old mirror/frame aesthetic. Just a beautiful piece to have, in full colour. 


Sometimes I really don't like them.


A lot of the time I really don't like them.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Things I Should Do

Because I love making lists, here is one of things I should learn to do, do at least once, get back into, or do more of:

Rock climbing
Ice skating
Bungee jumping
Make an awesome eggs benedict
Play more gee-tar
Learning languages (Portuguese!)
   - improve my French, German, and Chinese
Capoeira (even though I have no upper body strength)
Going to the theatre
Saving my money

Sunday, March 4, 2012

One more tattoo idea

I think a tattoo of Anubis would be flippin' rad. He is the Ancient Egyptian god of the dead and embalming (usurped only by Osiris, who is god of the underworld). He's got this awesome black head of the jackal, and embalms dead bodies and mummifies them. How cool is he.
I think a tattoo of him, in the style of how he was represented in Ancient Egyptian art, would be so awesome. I'm not sure whether I'd want him standing in his profile, or maybe him embalming a body. I also don't know where to put him either. My left side? That's going to fucking hurt. Or the side of one of my thighs? Pretty good space there.