There are so many things in this world that I love, but so many to question and to doubt, and things that I cannot comprehend whatsoever. I am privileged to say, that I live a happy, healthy life, filled with loving, caring people. I may have very little money in my bank now, but I know that I am earning it, and that I have the ability to spend it. I stay up late at night, and get up early in the morning and I complain about being exhausted from all the work that I do, but I have a bed and a house to sleep in, and I have the means to transport myself to other places and accomplish things. I can eat and drink without a second thought, and I do not worry about being able to afford my next meal. I feel lucky tonight, and I so appreciate all of this, because I know that many people in the world fight for their lives every minute of the day.
Things I don't understand, are how people treat each other and others. Why discrimination exists, why homelessness exists, why genocide exists, why people can be pushed so far as to end their own life.The recent news of the four teenagers who ended their life due to extreme bullying has once again made me lose my faith in humanity. I just cannot comprehend the level of cruelty that exists in a human being. What drives these people to discriminate others? So far that their victims feel the need to end their life. And how do these people live with themselves, knowing that they've contributed to a suicide? Or do they even realize? Acknowledge? The hard part of this it is the youth who are the centre of this issue. Our future generations. Even worse, are the adults who choose to ignore this bullying, who are the root of these youths' discrimination, and who provide no means of release and help to those who are discriminated against.
I don't understand why we haven't learned from our historical pasts, that hate and discrimination stops us at an evolutionary standstill. The Salem witch trials, the Holocaust, and slavery are probably the three most predominant historical examples of discrimination in my mind. During the witch trials, it was not just the women who were thought to practice witchcraft that were killed. Homosexual men were wrapped in "faggots"(a unit of measurement for a bundle of sticks) to be used as firewood for burning the "witches", and this is where the modern slang term "faggot" is used for a homosexual man comes from.
I would like to talk to these people one day, and ask them to rationalize their discrimination towards others. I want to know what goes through their head when they tease, bully, abuse, harass, and push people to their limits. I want to ask them and have them answer me thoroughly, and maybe when they hear themselves, there might be a second during the time that they're responding to acknowledge the reality of their words and their actions.
I feel like people do not appreciate the gift that they are given, which is life. How can so much pain be inflicted when one lives on such a flourishing world like this? How can people be so selfish, so abusive, and sadistic?
These are the things that I do not understand.